Saturday, 18 November 2006

Holiday cheer & Holiday fear

What's goin on in the world today ? (worst to least fav's)

Thanksgiving in the USA:
A chance to sacrifice a large bird (whose meat has been shown to have sleep inducing if I nod off, blame the cook!!) to the gathering of friends, loved ones and family. An opportunity to be grateful for having a house over your head & something to eat. Noble reasons...And I will admit I am thankful about those a limit.

I EARN them, it's not blessings of mana that sustain me, it's getting up and working that do it. So I'm MORE glad that my profession allows the value of my contribution to my employers is rewarded, and thus my subsequent ability to offer an over-cooked-sleep-inducing-avian.

War in Iraq:
Nothing to be thankful there:

Situation in Darfur: (spelling is wrong but I ate some bird..see first post)
Can't the global community learn ? Bullies like guns, they like them more when they are used to keep them in power. Why doesn't the global community lay a smack-down on this friggin issue. But I forgot...Africa is the "Dark Continent" where matters are best left to terrorists, mercenaries and aid workers.

Look. Emasculated UN (more on UN later) should accept their role in helping shape the GLOBAL..that means US (not the USA..US=Homo Sapiens) ALL...direction. Kofi Annan should be tried for incompetence, the UN in general should be tried for the same. This organization should DEMAND
#1 - Full Dues paid by ALL members
#2 - Limiting membership to the security council should reflect GLOBAL standing, not possesion of Nuclear arms or global ambitions
#3 - If you wanna join the UN (or stay in) you better toss in a contribution that is is meaningful
#4 - If you "CHOP" a force (afterall, the military is best positioned for this task and they LOVE their acronyms) to the UN. The command chain is UN>-Providing Nation>-Unit fucking around with who commands the higher echelons.
#4 - No more toothless "investigations"...simple screw with the UN and you're facing #4 above. We saw Clinton & Saddam dance..nothing happened of lasting value. We see Bush trying a different dance lately and value.

In short. UN had better become what was intended by it's charter...PLEASE BECOME THE FORUM for ALL NATIONS.

Recent Elections in the USA:

Running out of steam in terms of's late/early and I need either caffine & sunlight or a nibble and 3 hours in bed. I will return with my bitching about what little I know